Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Bribing God

We certainly have taken the view that God has made us in his image seriously. That's how we assume that he too can be as easily bribed as we are.  We either fast or give a coconut or promise to hold some ceremony or the other if the gods listen to our prayers. Then what do people who are poor and lack the means of such extravagance do?

Indeed, what is the significance of offering such things to the gods who have created them? Does that imply that they too are in need? We staunchly attest that worship of Mammon(money) isn't the true worship and yet we hand over that very money to god at times trying to buy our salvation. Do we believe that it is like booking seats in a football game.

It's quite like how in the olden days there used to be a pardoner who for sums of money would make out a certificate that proved the client was forgiven of any sins committed. What can be a greater farce than this. 

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