Saturday 29 October 2011

A Price of a Dream...

In life there is no free lunch; as some people oft quote.

It would be terribly depressing to believe it to be true. Anything free attracts us as the advertisers know and thus, most products have something or the other tagging along with it.

It's fine if you have to pay for lunch but what if you have to pay for every ambition or dream you have? That's when things get rough.

Even if we were to believe in Coelho's picture of each individual having a divine mission... still, the things we most strive for are those that are the hardest to realise. And what's there to stop us from abandoning something that gives us pleasure as well as pain? Only ourselves.

It's easier to give up a dream than see it till the end. Unfortunately, we all need to be reminded of this time and again. Maybe that is what Frost meant when he said:

Two roads diverged into a wood and I.
I took the one less travelled by.
And that has made all the difference.

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